Thursday, July 24, 2008

Jango Music

Ok, ok, I know this has nothing to do with books, but I have to put this out there. I recently stumbled on while searching for music lyrics for one of my favorite songs. I have no idea where this site has been all my life! It is fantastic! I signed up on Monday and have since been enjoying non-stop music favorites at work! For those of us who have not joined the digital age and bought an MP3 player, this is perfect. However, for those of you who do have an MP3 player, there is a "buy" feature that allows you to purchase the songs of your choice.

So what is it? Well, it is a music site that allows you to add your favorite artists and songs to a database or "station" that is exclusive to you and your tastes. The site is totally free to users, so you don't have to worry about shelling out hundreds of dollars to purchase MP3s if you don't want to. It is also intended to be a social setting. Other members can visit your stations, "email" you, chat with you, send you song, etc. You have total control over your stations and from what I can tell, you can have as many as you want and can organize them in any way that you like. Jango does throw songs and artists in that they think you will like based on your selections. This may or may not be a welcomed injection, but the bright side - there is a rating system that allows you to decided how often a song is played, if at all. The rating system goes like this: "Love it" - play this song a lot; "Like it" - play this song again; "Don't like it" - Never play this song again. So far I love it and have only had a few songs come up that I selected the "Don't like it" rating.

Other nice features include random play and pause feature. I don't know about you, but I like to hear an entire song, so when I have to get up and step away from the computer, I can just hit pause and pick up right where I left off. The random play constantly keeps your music shuffling so you don't get sick of any one song or artist's voice.

The only two cons that I have run across so far is the lack of a repeat button (yes, there are songs that I like to hear over and over again) and the fact that it is limited to the computer. Yes, if you have an MP3, its not so much a problem, but I don't have one (yet). So, if I want to get up and go for a walk, I can't have my music. Not to mention that I am listening to this at work and I work in a cubicle farm, so I use ear buds so as to not disturb my coworkers, and there is a limited range for those things.

So, bottom line, if you are by a computer all day, need some tunes in your life and don't have or don't want an MP3 player, I highly recommend this site! If you sign up to it, look me up and let me know what you think!

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