Thursday, July 24, 2008
Jango Music
So what is it? Well, it is a music site that allows you to add your favorite artists and songs to a database or "station" that is exclusive to you and your tastes. The site is totally free to users, so you don't have to worry about shelling out hundreds of dollars to purchase MP3s if you don't want to. It is also intended to be a social setting. Other members can visit your stations, "email" you, chat with you, send you song, etc. You have total control over your stations and from what I can tell, you can have as many as you want and can organize them in any way that you like. Jango does throw songs and artists in that they think you will like based on your selections. This may or may not be a welcomed injection, but the bright side - there is a rating system that allows you to decided how often a song is played, if at all. The rating system goes like this: "Love it" - play this song a lot; "Like it" - play this song again; "Don't like it" - Never play this song again. So far I love it and have only had a few songs come up that I selected the "Don't like it" rating.
Other nice features include random play and pause feature. I don't know about you, but I like to hear an entire song, so when I have to get up and step away from the computer, I can just hit pause and pick up right where I left off. The random play constantly keeps your music shuffling so you don't get sick of any one song or artist's voice.
The only two cons that I have run across so far is the lack of a repeat button (yes, there are songs that I like to hear over and over again) and the fact that it is limited to the computer. Yes, if you have an MP3, its not so much a problem, but I don't have one (yet). So, if I want to get up and go for a walk, I can't have my music. Not to mention that I am listening to this at work and I work in a cubicle farm, so I use ear buds so as to not disturb my coworkers, and there is a limited range for those things.
So, bottom line, if you are by a computer all day, need some tunes in your life and don't have or don't want an MP3 player, I highly recommend this site! If you sign up to it, look me up and let me know what you think!
Thursday, July 10, 2008
I love this site! I attribute my inspiration to pick up reading as a hobby again, entirely to this site alone. It sounds like extremely high praise, but its true! I discovered it in January of this year and have since gone on a reading spree, completing 8 new novels and using 4 self-help type books for personal pursuits. I believe that is a record for me! Also, with the help of the site, I was and continue to be able to expand my horizons into new genres and meet new authors, most of which I never would have considered in the past. I can do all of this without having to spend a small fortune on new books and storage space to keep them all when I fill up every square inch of my house (which wouldn't take long).
When I first joined the site, I was immediately hooked. I was addicted to posting and receiving books (hence the mountain of to-be-read books), to looking up new books to add to my Reminder and Wish Lists, and to browsing the message boards! But, I'm getting ahead of myself.
Site co-founders, Richard Pickering and Robert Swarthout traveled a lot on business and along the way they collected a treasure trove of airport paperbacks, most of which were stored away somewhere in their homes to collect dust after their trips. Finally in 2004, after collecting countless books and having nothing to do with them, the pair came up with the idea that there should be a place where people could post their previously-read, but no longer needed books and receive other previously-read books in return. Thus was born.
The basic premise behind the site is to post books that you are willing to part with and mail them to other readers all across the United States and Puerto Rico. In return you will earn credits that you can use to request other books from other members. The site is currently free to join (Richard and Robert have reserved the right to charge a minimal membership fee later on if operating costs necessitate it), and, as an added bonus to new members, once you post your first 10 books, you will receive 2 free credits to start requesting books right away! Sounds too good to be true, doesn't it? Well, its not! Oh, and I forgot to mention that the site have grown to include hardcovers, audio books, ex-library books, and textbooks! So, if you love to read, you've got books lying around that you are willing to send to other members, have a computer and a few minutes, you can begin swapping away! For more information, visit the "How the Club Works" page of the site.
So, now that you have the general idea of how the club works, I am going to point out some of the noteworthy site features. First of all, there is the amount of books available for swapping. As of right now, there are 2,322,177 books available (426,849 unique titles) and that number is literally constantly changing as people post and request more and more books (see top right hand corner of site for actual number). These books are coming from thousands upon thousands of members all across the US and Puerto Rico.
Given those statistics, members are bound to have something to interest almost anyone! However, for those that have something specific in mind that perhaps PBS doesn't have (yet), there is the Wish List. PBS has a database of nearly every single ISBN known to the book world and if there is a book with an ISBN that you want that is not in the system, you can add it to your wish list and be in line when that book becomes available. For those books that you plan to request, but want to hold off on for now, there is the Reminder List. This is a place for you to save the titles that you want to request eventually, but just not right away. It is also a place where I like to store the titles that are not currently is the system (that most people might place on their wish lists), but that I am willing to wait for and therefore do not want to add to my wish list. It is a great organizational tool when you have a ton of titles that you want to read, but don't necessarily have the space or credits to request yet. There has been talk of a new Wish List/Reminder List hybrid that is being developed to make both lists easier to manage, but I honestly don't see how they could be better. I have made them work to my advantage as they are, however, so that might just be my opinion. I will report back on the new list when it rolls out.
The To Be Read list is another organizational tool that allows you to see what is currently on your personal shelf, waiting to be read. These books are in your possession, but are not posted to your available-for-swapping bookshelf. This is also a good tool to see what is currently on another member's wish list, and therefore might be a good idea to read first in case you plan to swap it. Its not exactly a guaranteed credit, but its close enough, especially if you have a lot of books in your wish or reminder lists.
There is a Buddy List feature that allows you to keep track of other members within the system. It is on an invitation/acceptance basis, however, so you cannot add just anyone. The buddy list is equipped with a "tags" feature that allows you to identify your buddies any way that you choose. Personally I currently have three tags that I assign my buddies: friends from my Weight Watchers board, good trades, and large bookshelves (always a good idea for making deals - I'll explain later). I can assign any or all of these tags to anyone I want and I can add more if I find a need for them.
Last, but not least, is the members' discussion forums. These are a great place to get to know the system, ask questions, and talk with fellow members. I frequently visit the Questions about PaperBackSwap forum to help with little questions that I might have had. Everyone is very helpful in answering questions or pointing you in the right direction for answers. Also, the Book Bazaar is a lot of fun just so see what people have available on their shelves or what they are offering. Its a great place for deals. Many of my TBR books came as part of deals offered on the Book Bazaar forum.
Honestly I have no complaints about the site or the concept of the site. The rules for swapping a a little on the strict side, but I understand why they must be so. When you are dealing with so many people with varying levels of comprehension, you must be specific about what's acceptable and what's not. Even then, you are bound to get a few bad apples that slip through, but I never hold that against the PBS team. To their credit, they try to monitor "problem" members and do their best to weed out repeat offenders to make the site a more reliable place for swapping.
All in all, this is one of the best ideas I have come across. I cannot thank Richard and Robert enough for coming up with the idea and maintaining the site. When my daughter gets old enough, I plan to set up an account for her so that she can enjoy the fruits of literature like I have and will continue to do.
If you haven't already, join this site! You won't regret it!
Monday, July 7, 2008
My First Reviews from PaperBackSwap

Author: Jodi Picoult
Publishing Date: 2005
Genre: Chick Lit
Rating: B+
I have read a couple of Jodi Picoult's books prior to this one and I have always like them. This one is no exception. I like her style of writing, telling the story from several different points of view and from different time periods. Some might find it difficult to follow, but I feel like it just adds to the mystery and suspense of the story. I will definitely be reading more of her books in the future.

Author: Philippa Gregory
Publication Date: 2003
Genre: Historical Fiction
Rating: A+
I have wanted to read this one for a while, after hearing friends discuss it. PBS gave me the opportunity when it became available and I snagged it before it acquired a long waiting list. I have always been fascinated by the history behind the six wives of Henry VIII and this book puts a dramatic spin on the factual history. The author, Philippa Gregory, tells the story of "the other Boleyn girl," Anne's sister Mary. While Anne's story is well known throughout the world, Mary's is one that has been shoved to the back burner so to speak. Mary was the beautiful younger sister of Anne Boleyn, whom we all know was Henry VIII's ill-fated second wife. Mary was the first Boleyn girl to capture the handsome king's wandering eye and while much of their relationship is speculated on in the history books, Ms. Gregory takes what few facts are known and spins a wonderfully fanciful tale of love, betrayal and the bonds of sisterhood. While the book is over 600 pages, I found it to be a fast read because you get locked in, wanting to know what happens next (even thought you already know the fate of Anne Boleyn).
Title: The Bluest Eye
Author: Toni Morrison
Publication Date: 2000
Genre: African American Literature
Rating: B+
I bought this one for a class in college and ended up dropping the class before I could read it, so it sat on my bookshelf until I joined PBS. I figured that I should read it before I posted it to be swapped. It is a short book, little more than 200 pages, making it a fairly fast read. However, with the way that author Toni Morrison writes, I often found myself going back several times to reread certain passages. Ms. Morrison tends to get a bit wordy in her writing and while it does flow beautifully, I sometimes lose the train of thought and have to go back to remind myself of what she is describing. In this book, she tells the story from a few different perspectives and voices, making it a very interesting read. The story itself is the heartbreaking tale of Pecola Breedlove and how she wishes for the beauty that is associated with blue eyes, but receives a horrifying blow to her innocence instead. I would recommend this book to someone with the caution to read it slowly and deliberately. This is definitely not one to fly through on a plane or beach.
Author: Jack London
Publication Date: 1991
Genre: Classics
Rating: C+
Call of the Wild (1903): While this book was somewhat predictable and a bit graphic in places, it was very beautifully told. I can see why it is [considered] a classic. Jack London paints a beautiful and realistic picture of Alaska and the trials of dog sledding during the gold rush of the late 1800s from the dog's point of view.
White Fang (1906): I had a really hard time getting into this one. It ended up being very good, but it was very slow getting started and I had to force myself to keep reading several times. Jack London tends to be very wordy, often describing something several times before continuing and [repeats his description] several times during the story. I felt that some parts could have been left out as they did nothing to further the story or provide any kind of a back story. They were simply there. Other than that, the overall story was very good and heartwarming. I am glad that I stuck with it until the end.
Author: Philippa Gregory
Publication Date: 2005
Genre: Historical Fiction
Rating: A-
While this one was very good, I had a hard time trying to get through it. I'm not sure what it was, maybe personal conflicts, maybe the language was starting to get to me, maybe the extent of the content, maybe I was just tired of reading all together. I did enjoy the book however, so it stumps me. The last 200 pages or so were very good and kept me going until the end. I really liked Gregory's The Other Boleyn Girl and this one wasn't far off from that, though it did have a lot more information about the political turmoil that Elizabeth had to deal with at the beginning of her reign, whereas The Other Boleyn Girl seemed to be based more on the scandals that Anne Boleyn caused, leaving out a lot of the other political deals that were going on at that time. The characterization of the three main characters leaves a little to be desired. Elizabeth is painted as a flighty woman who has a hard time making decisions on her own. Not at all the way history portrays her. Amy Dudley come across as very whiny and annoying and completely oblivious to her husband's feelings and attitudes. I would think that after 9+ years of marriage, Amy would have figured out what her husband likes, doesn't like, how he feels about certain situations, and so on. Gregory has her play the simple-minded woman part a lot. Robert Dudley is not a good person throughout the whole book and I find it hard to believe that both of these women would be so infatuated with such a person. I might have to try to read this one again when I [am] more motivated. Until then, I think I will hold off on giving it a rating, just so I give it a fare assessment.
Title: P.S. I Love You
Author: Cecelia Ahern
Publication Date: 2004
Genre: Chick Lit
Rating: A
I really loved this one. Holly is a young, grieving widow and the book takes us though her grieving and recovery process. This process is unique though, because her husband, Gerry, who knew he was going to die due to a brain tumor, guides her with little notes that he left for her instructing her what to do. It had its moments where it was entirely predictable, but in the end, it surprised me. Throughout though, there were times when I laughed out loud or was brought to tears. I love books that have that effect on me. I will definitely be reading this one again and am adding it to my personal library.
The Savannah Reader
Why didn't I read many of them in high school? you might be wondering. Well, the answer is simple. I did not go to a school that was interested in the classics the way nearly every other school in the United States is. I went to a public school in a suburb of Atlanta, and while they did choose interesting books for their high school students to read, Tom Sawyer and Moby Dick were not on the lists. What classics I did read were usually brief anthologized snipits taken from our textbooks. In college, I simply had too much on my plate to revisit the works of the greats unless they were on my course syllabi, so I reserved any free time I had to give myself a "brain break" and reread those in my personal library.
I recently found (with the help of some online friends) a nifty little website called (Click here for site homepage). This site not only allows me access to an entire country's worth of home libraries, containing thousands upon thousands of titles, many of which I never would have found otherwise, but it has happily awakened the hardcore reader within me. Now that I am out of school and not forced to read for grades, I have found a renewed interest in the books that I should have read a long time ago, books that I hope my children will read early in life so that they can use the wisdom held in their pages for their own experiences and studies. I currently have a list of 20 titles in my To Be Read (TBR) pile and 155 titles in my Reminder List (RL) pile. There are many, many more that I want to add, but after my stack at home reached an alarming height, I decided to put book hunting on hold and begin the long, luxurious process of reading. The books in my TBR and RL piles are a combination of classics and contemporary titles in many different genres that have either interested me for a very long time, or that have recently piqued my interest due to a good review or a friend's recommendation.
And so, in order to document the books that I have read and my interpretations on them I decided to start this blog. I am also hoping (as any literary blogger does) that anyone who reads these reviews will find a new (or renewed) interest in books and perhaps pick up one that I have recommended.
Keep in mind though, that opinions will differ and my take on a book will not necessarily be the same as yours. I do welcome comments on any and all reviews that I post, as these will help other avid readers choose books to add to their own TBR piles. However, please remember to be courteous and constructive when posting comments. Any criticisms of either the book or my reviews must have a literary foundation and documentation to back up your points. I reserve the right to delete any comments that are negative just for the sake of being negative.
With that said, I begin my journey into the world of literature! I hope that you will join me and enjoy it as much as I will! Happy Reading!!!